22 Ocak 2018 Pazartesi

Is Organ Regenaration Possible ? 👇🏼


A Vietnam veteran, the 69-year-old was wounded during hand-to-hand combat on the battlefields of South-east Asia. A bayonet was thrust through his palm as he struggled for life before his enemy was shot dead. 
That wound healed naturally. But Spievack is now at the centre of an extraordinary furore over a new "miracle" that he insists could change the future of the human race.
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It holds out the astonishing - and seemingly implausible - prospect that new limbs and organs can be grown with the help of a mysterious substance dubbed "pixie dust," taken from the bladders of pigs. 
Amid derision from scientists and claims that he is just a "snake oil salesman," Spievack insists that his astonishing recovery from a recent injury sustained during an accident with a model aeroplane is proof that a way has been discovered to make the human body regenerate itself. 
Spievack will today be paraded before an international conference to show off the middle finger of his right hand - supposedly severed when it was caught in the propeller of a model he was trying to fix, only to be magically restored. 

Desperate for supplies of this supposedly wondrous dust, thousands have been in touch with him in the hope that he can transform their lives.
Far from being a hustler or a fantasist, this decorated former soldier appears to be entirely sincere - yet he's also the public face of a business involving vast sums of money, and Supreme Court battles, and which has attracted the interest of the U.S. President.
Instead, his brother Alan - a doctor who had researched cell regeneration on account of a childhood obsession with the fact that salamanders and lizards can re-grow severed limbs - told him to cancel the operation. 
"I didn't question my brother. He's older than me and he's a doctor, so I just did what he said."

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